The Story:
Directed by Izu Ojukwu, ‘The Child’ revolves around a Benin town’s expectation of a ‘child’ promised the community by the gods. The advent of the child will see to the end of the town’s problems which include drought and recurrent war defeats, especially against the strong army of Ijogun.Read more:
Two children, at least as far as we can tell, are born on the said night; one is by the widowed queen Ifueko, played by Joke Silva, whose uncle the Iyase (Alex Usifo) is the regent. Another woman gives birth to a son. The rains return, wars are won and a basket mysteriously retains water after the boys are born. As long as the basket holds water, the community knows their special one is still alive. As both boys grow up, so does the competition between them as both are intent to prove their ‘childship,’ despite the fact that all have accepted the crown prince Nosa (or Omo as his mother calls him) as the special one (Edaeke).
The movie has already hit trailers in Nigeria, and so you can read a very comprehensive review here .
The major grouse seems to be that its formulaic and predictable. I cannot judge that until I see it. However, I hope this movie is not like Sitanda which was just -- strange? But no matter what, I am an Izu Ojukwu fan, so I will give him the benefit of the doubt.
Will review it once I get my hands on it.
this movie was goooddd..i can watch it over and over again
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